If you want to learn how to download Google Play Store on APK, on your iPhone or your computer, this is the guide that you need.
How to Download with APK file on Android
To download the Google Play Store APK on Android, just follow these simple steps:
- Start by checking your Android version since this method works only for devices operating on Android 8.0 or newer. If you’re using these versions, go to Play Store, tap on your profile picture and go to Settings.
- From there, choose the About section and check Play Store version that you have. It should be the latest version to make sure that all your APK downloads will work fine.
- Download the APKMirror Installer. You can find many APK downloaders online, but APKMirror is a great choice since it’s reliable and efficient.
- Launch the APKMirror Installer and go to Browse Files. From there, you can search for the APK that you downloaded and choose it, after which you can click on Install Package and wait for that APK to be installed.
- You may have to deal with some permissions before the download can push through. You’ll see the Install Unknown Apps prompt where you can just choose APK Mirror Installer and allow permissions for the downloads to proceed. Once finished, the installer will automatically run and install the Google Play Store.
- If you want to watch TV shows and Movies, download the Google Play Movies and TV or Google TV. On the other hand, if you want to read or listen to books, you can download Google Play Books.
- You can easily do this by going to the Google Play website and searching for these apps to download for iOs.
- Once you have these Google Play apps downloaded, you can already enjoy Google Play content on them. However, you’re not allowed to make any in-app purchases since you’re using an iOS device.
- So, if you want to download or purchase anything, you need to use an Android device or your computer to make this possible.
- Simply go to the Google Play website and sign in using your Google account.
- On the left pane, choose Payment Methods and if you still don’t have one enrolled, you can choose Add Payment Method.
- To add a payment method, simply follow the instructions on how you can add your credit or debit card. Once this is set up, you can already start buying or renting content on the Google Play website.
- To do this, go back to the website and on the top left pane, click the Google Play app that you want to use.
- Browse for the content that you want to purchase, follow the prompts and the content should be available on your iPhone once you’re done purchasing it.
- Visit the BlueStacks website to get the download link for either BlueStacks 5 or 10. Click the link of your choice and check the installer setup file on your Downloads folder after.
- Launch the BlueStacks installer file and click Install Now. Follow the prompts after and the download process should start. After a few minutes, you can already see BlueStacks on your desktop.
- Launch the BlueStacks emulator on your computer and search for the Google Play Store app. Form here, you can download the app and once it’s ready, you can launch it and sign in using your Google account.
- There are instances when you might need to approve some permissions by clicking Accept, so the download can continue. On BlueStacks, you can see the Google Play store on your My Apps tab. Ss
- Visit the BlueStacks website to get the download link for either BlueStacks 5 or 10. Click the link of your choice and check the installer setup file on your Downloads folder after.
Download APK Play Store On the other hand, if you’re using a device that runs on a lower version of 8.0 Oreo, you can still follow the same steps.
But when you reach the permissions part, you can go to your device’s Settings, then Security and check Unknown Sources. After that, follow the remaining steps and you should be good to go.
Install Google Play Store on your iPhone
Google Play Store may not be designed for iPhone and any other Apple devices, but you can still download it on your iPhone by following these easy steps:
Downloading Google Play Store on a computer
Since Google Play Store isn’t designed to be used for computers, you’ll need to use an emulator or a tool that will mimic the same system that runs your mobile device. In this guide, we’ll use the most popular emulator on the market: BlueStacks:
Download APK Play Store Are you ready to try these methods in downloading the Google Play store and its related apps on your computer or mobile device?